Completing Your Talent Profile

Written by Tiffany Nieslanik | Mar 4, 2021 2:00:00 PM

You’ve created an account with The Mom Project, but you haven’t taken the time to complete your profile yet. This may not seem like such a big deal, but in truth a little bit of your time can go a long way to improving your chances of success. Your Talent Profile not only helps you organize your experience—it also powers the job alerts we’ll send you in the future.

Benefits of completing your profile to 100%

📈 Get better job matches: When you showcase your work experience, capabilities and skills in your profile you’ll be sent better job alert matches that fit your skill set, seniority level and desired compensation.

⏫ Increase your odds: A complete profile is 10 times more likely (yes, TEN TIMES!) to stand out to recruiters and employers when you apply for opportunities through The Mom Project. Many parts of your profile are visible to recruiters and these bits and pieces augment your resume when you apply.

🔎 Become more searchable: When our internal team searches for potential candidates for roles we are actively supporting (sometimes we help companies find candidates) your completed profile helps us find you. The more information we have, the more likely you’ll show up for relevant opportunities.

📝 Rev your resume: With the click of a button, you can also turn your completed profile into a standout resume using our Resume Rev tool.

Completing a talent profile

When you log into The Mom Project and view your profile you can see any sections that are incomplete. Update each additional section of your profile by clicking on the categories you see on the left side of your screen when you’re on your dashboard. Here’s how to complete each section.

About Me

In this section you start with your basic information: first and last name, phone number, email, zip code and website. Then you can add in your career status and goals, answering “What can The Mom Project help you achieve?” and “How would you describe your current employment status?”

Your career status and goals won’t factor into your resume, but we’ll use the information you provide to help us match you to the right positions.

👉 Your phone number is the one used for phone interviews so make sure it’s up to date.


Here you have the ability to upload, save and edit your resume on The Mom Project. Don't have an up-to-date resume? Resume Rev will automatically create one for you to use, with the information included on your profile.

My Career Story

Start with your resume headline which will appear below your name if you use our Resume Rev tool to create a downloadable PDF of your resume. It should be a few words that sum up your experience. If you have experience in a few different disciplines, this is a great spot to showcase that. Some examples:

  • Senior Marketing Manager
  • Project Manager and Content Strategist
  • Finance and Bookkeeping Professional

This is followed by your seniority level (junior, mid-level or senior.)

From there you’ll be able to select your superpower from a drop-down menu that includes choices such as “marketing” or “science & education.” Based on the superpower you select, we’ll show you a list of capabilities. Select up to three to provide more information on your experience. The final part of this section (other capabilities) allows you to select other skills you have that might not be directly related to the primary superpower you indicated. 

👉 You can add 3 capabilities directly related to your superpower and then 3 additional capabilities. Max these out! The more you add, the better your job search results will be.

Next, you’ll select the industry/industries you have experience in. You have an option to add up to six using the search box.

Following that is a chance to list your skills. Here you can add hard skills, tools or knowledge of specific applications using the search box. You can search for the most common job skills and add them to your profile. If you don’t see something listed, look for something similar. Don’t worry about adding certifications, these are added later.

👉 Need a break? Any progress will be saved. But remember that the quicker you complete your profile, you’ll receive the most relevant job matches tailored specifically to your work experience and personal preferences.  

The final part of this section is your work experience. Treat this part like the job section of your resume. Click “Add Position” to begin adding your past jobs and a few bullet points about your contributions. The information you enter here is used to create this resume, so be sure you write a resume that sells your story.  Don’t forget to use compelling language like “drove” and “created” and focus on results and value you provided. 

We’ve also included the option add a career pause. This can be used to explain a gap in your work experience when you were focused on raising your family. You’ll add the start and end dates of your pause, and we’ve already added language to explain the pause:

Work Goals

In this next section you can share what we call flex factors as part of your profile to help match you to positions that provide the flexibility you need to manage your work-life integration.

Questions you’ll be asked here include:

  • What is your availability? (actively looking & accepting interviews, casually looking, not looking to make a move)
  • What is your ideal work status? (freelancing, join a company, unsure, and more)
  • How many hours per week can you work?
  • Where can you work? (office, remote, hybrid)
  • Do you want to only be matched with jobs that are above a certain compensation amount?

Next up is your travel preferences - how far are you willing to commute and what percentage of time can you travel for work?

Lastly you can share your scheduling preferences by answering, “Do you need to set your own hours every week?” and “Do you need to set your own work days every week?”

👉 It can be tempting to keep your preferences vague to avoid turning away potential employers. But it’s important to decide and communicate your preferences upfront so you can find the right fit. The employers we work with through The Mom Project understand the value of moms in the workplace and many support flexible work arrangements. 


Add your education and applicable certifications to your profile and resume using this section.

Make it perfect

Now it’s time to write your “About Me” statement. This is a professional summary that talks about your past experiences, accomplishments and your future career goals. 

When you apply to a job through The Mom Project, you’ll be asked to include a “Why Me” statement that acts like a mini cover letter. Your About Me statement on your profile is a good place to start and then customize it further to match the job you’re applying to. Plus, you’ll likely be asked to answer “Tell me about yourself” in an interview, so this is a great spot to refine your story. 

The finished profile

You’ll get the most out of The Mom Project if you complete your profile as quickly as possible. Using the information that you provided, we’ll send you job alerts when new opportunities match your profile. When you’re ready to apply to an opportunity, your completed profile will increase your odds of success by giving the recruiter or hiring manager a more complete picture of who you are and what you bring to the table.  

Finishing your profile also gives our recruiters and employers more information about what makes you an ideal candidate. Sometimes our recruiters help employers find the best candidate by reviewing profiles to find a match. Having a complete profile makes it easier for recruiters to recommend you.

Keep it current

You can update your talent profile on The Mom Project at any time. As you begin applying to and interviewing for positions, you may decide to edit your experience slightly to better align with the roles you are applying to. If you interview through The Mom Project, you can also ask your recruiter if they have any specific feedback from employers about your experience. This feedback can be used to update your talent profile and make it more eye-catching to future employers.

👉 If you need to update any part of your profile, simply log in, click the link to view your profile then click the pencil icon next to the section you’d like to update. 

Completing your profile is just the first step

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