Your Hype Squad Is Waiting For You!

We know that the job search journey can be a lonely one. But not for much longer... meet JobClub, the hype squad you deserve as you work toward landing your next job!

Why join JobClub?

JobClub is a free job seeking accountability program designed to connect you with the mom-to-mom support you need to stay focused and motivated while navigating your job search.

When you join, you’ll unlock these amazing benefits:

  • Make meaningful connections with other women in the Community who are ready to pursue their next career opportunity.
  • Boost your professional skills and confidence.
  • Gain access to tools to help you in your search every week.

How does JobClub work?


JobClub Champions are waiting for you!

Each JobClub is thoughtfully curated by a dedicated individual from The Mom Project Community, our JobClub Champions. Our Champions are volunteers who are deeply dedicated to the success of other women and will make sure your JobClub has the tools, motivation, connections, and support you need to make progress against your job search goals. You can expect weekly check-ins, discussions, challenges, and celebrations as well.


Ready to get started?

Take me to JobClub!


Am I required to participate in JobClub in order to be a member of The Mom Project?

How many JobClubs can I join?

Will my JobClub be personalized based on my needs as a job seeker?

How will JobClub help me achieve my career goals?

Do I have to participate in my JobClub daily?

What happens if I get a new job? Should I exit my JobClub?

I have some feedback about my JobClub experience. How can I share?

I’m interested in becoming a JobClub Champion. How do I get started?